Does anybody ever pretend they are Buffy or Willow or Xander or somebody from the show?
I don't mean being really weird, like saying only Buffy quotes and calling yourself Buffy the Vampire Slayer! But, does anybody ever get that feeling when you're watching a certain Buffy season and you just get that feeling where you want to go for a walk in the graveyard with a yoyo and your iPod in your ears listening to Blue by Angie Hart or something. (Blue by Angie Hart is the first song played on the Buffy episode 'Conversations With Dead People' in season seven. I think it's a very Buffy-like song, and whenever I'm bored I listen to it to get into a Buffy mood.)
Anybody? Sometimes I just get in that mood! I don't know how to explain it, it's weird. See, my Mum and I like to go for walks at night when it's warm and I just feel like Buffy, it's way cool. Hahah, maybe that's weird.
Ooh, and sometimes I even have dreams that I'm Buffy, but it's never like a big event, it's always Buffy (or sometimes Faith) just patroling through the graveyard or something like that. It's crazy.
Also, does anybody have songs that they listen to that are very Buffy-like to them? Like 'Blue' is my Buffy song and I just love it. And yea, this is my majorly long ramble about my Buffy-self.
Congratulations for making it this far, if you read the whole thing! Please post your thoughts, that is the reason I wrote all this, if that was unclear, lol. Please post anything, like any Buffy-dreams you've had or what gets you in a Buffy-watching mood, or whatever Buffy is to you!
K, bye
-- Note to Mods; I wasn't sure where to post this, so if it needs to be moved please do so
Also, I found this cute as Buffy icon/avatar thing